Saturday, August 10, 2024

Off the Beaten Path - New Music

Music has always been important to me, and I like most styles of music.  While I'm not exactly afraid of discovering a new band or listening to recommendations, I do tend to play it safe.

It's no secret that I am not anyone important in the music industry.  I'm just a person who likes music.

So...why have I become a new music magnet?

I also enjoy social media.  Cat videos, the latest on the current Olympics, keeping in touch with friends and family, memes, jokes, prayers...I like these.  Sure, there is a lot that I don't enjoy - I despise political posts on EITHER side - but for the most part I'm in.  I don't post a lot, but I'm there.

However, lately I've been discovering new music in an interesting way: these low-key artists have been seeking me out!  I'm touched and honored to follow these artists, as each of them has caught my ear with their innovation, originality, and style.  So, since there is not a lot I CAN do for them, I CAN spread the word.  Here are a few of my favorites, in no particular order.


Matt Jaffe

Matt has actually been around for a while, having been discovered by Jerry Harrison of the Talking Heads while in his teens.  His voice has a high and ethereal sound, while his guitar playing can also seem not of this world, although you can hear some of his influences (one song has a slight Beatles-esque feel).  His lyrics are fun and catchy, sometimes being influenced by some of his favorite books, like John Irving.

Favorite track so far – Voodoo Doll


Matt Steady

Another Matt.  While they may have the same first name, Mr. Steady's music is completely different.  His influences run more towards prog rock and celtic.  His voice is rough (in the best way possible), suitable to his fantasy and sea shanty turns...but his instrumentals are not to be sold short!  His guitar playing is soulful and strong; you can lose yourself in their power.  However, he's harder to find...but so worth the search. 

Favorite track so far – Here Be Dragons


This band is the newest one I've been introduced to...literally just the other day!  Their music is the unbelievable combination of psychedelic, blues, rock, a touch of jazz...all blending together to what can best be described as an experience.  Their first full-length album isn't out just yet, but I've already got it reserved on Spotify.

Favorite track so far – Fuzzwahh 

Tigirlily Gold 

Here is another fairly new one, just discovered by me last week.  These sisters Kendra and Krista Slaubaugh have a sweet modern country style that's not too twangy and not too pop-y.  These are also girls who know how to have fun: the title song of their first album is pretty much an ode to hair coloring!  (Well, a bit more than that, but...)

Favorite track so far – Hometown Song

Thomas Kavanagh 

Thomas is a UK country/pop artist.  He is a songwriter with vocals that are strong with a romantic tone.  He's been around since 2016 and has had some successful EPs released.  A couple of his songs have also been played in the UK TV series, "All About Casey".

Favorite track so far – All For Nothing

Alexis Taylor 

Alexis is originally from Canada, and her style varies around soft rock, pop, and country.  Her voice is strong and sweet.  She released a version of Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" that I truly enjoy...and y'all know what a huge Mac & Stevie Nicks fan I am!

Favorite track so far – Room Service

Teea Goans

I know, I know...Anyone who knows me knows that I have been following Teea for years, and I found her the old-fashioned way: I caught her music video for "Letter From God".  However, she has recently added a new dimension to her talents and has become an incredible songwriter!  Her 5th album, "All Over the Map" is her songwriting debut...and her writing is beautiful.  She still has her Traditional Country sound - don't mess with a good thing - but these songs, co-written by Jim "Moose" Brown, are fresh, lyrically sound, and her voice is still as gorgeous as ever.

Favorite tracks so far – Letter From God & Untangled

I strongly recommend giving these artists a listen.  Most of them are available on Spotify, except for Matt Steady, who is on Bandcamp.  (Also, if you contact him, he'll send you a free CD!)