- All of the women were well-dressed; a contestant was even wearing a hat and gloves;
- All of the men were wearing suits;
- All of the people spoke in moderate tones, no yelling or shouting;
- There was quite a bit of joking around, but it was all "clean" and more in line with good-natured ribbing.
Nowadays people don't get "dressed up" unless they absolutely HAVE to, and it's mostly for things like weddings and funerals...and, in most cases, not even then. It seems to me that people take MORE pride in how "dressed DOWN" they can be.
One time I mentioned that, for me, not going out in ripped clothes or pajama pants was a source of self-respect. I was informed by someone that THEY respected themselves enough to "be comfortable" and not care about what other people thought of them.
Which brings me to speech. Recently I read that people who swear and use foul language are "more honest" and even show higher intelligence. I don't see that. To me, it takes more intelligence - and imagination - to THINK about what you say and not fall into base language...and a person can be honest AND tactful at the same time, contrary to popular opinion.
I guess a lot of this boils down to respecting others.
I respect others enough to want to show my "best face".
I respect others enough not to want to use coarse language.
I respect others enough to try to be honest, yet tactful.
I respect others enough to hear or read their opinions and not hate them for differing from mine.
I respect others enough to go to a ceremony, school concert, etc., and continue to sit quietly and pay attention, even when "my" part is done.
I'm not perfect. I slip up as much as anybody. I do think it would be easier if more people at least attempted to show some level of respect...for themselves, as well as others.
Thankfully, I'm pretty much surrounded by some pretty respectful people.