Friday, July 10, 2015


My husband and I love the movie “Courageous”.  It’s a fantastic film about men taking fatherhood – and husbandhood – seriously; putting God first and being leaders with love and compassion.  The basic plot is about a man, who is a police officer, who discovers how he is lacking in this area after a tragedy strikes, and how he, and his friends, pull themselves up.  The movie has both drama and comedy.

All of this is leading to something…trust me.

A running gag in the movie is when the officer is talking to his CO on the phone, but is mildly distracted by his wife.  He and his wife are in a bit of a rut, so without thinking, he always ends phone conversations with her by just saying, “Love ya; bye.”  The gag is, the officer accidentally says to the CO, “Love ya; bye.”

Next to the “Snake Kings”, it’s our favorite scene.

(No, I’m not going to explain “Snake Kings”.  Watch the movie.  You won’t be disappointed.)

My husband and I love “Love Ya; Bye” and have adopted it as a little humor bit between us.  We say it when we leave for work, and at the end of phone conversations.   We even end text conversations with #luvyabye.  It’s both a cute little inside joke AND a reminder not to take each other for granted.

Little things like that – inside jokes, private endearments, connections – help to maintain a strong relationship.  I challenge couples to find their #luvyabye, and use it…with love.

1 comment:

  1. Yes great movie 3rd favorite scene "what's that" (takes off running)
