Friday, March 4, 2011

I can't believe I'm doing this...

OK, here I go...

I've never done anything like this before.  OK, I lied; I used to write in a diary as a young girl - from age 10 all the way to around the time I turned 18.  I "jotted" and "twittled" bits and pieces here and there after that. 

I'd always loved the concept of keeping a journal, diary, whatever, but time has never been on my side for a formal one. 

I had written a lot to friends back in my Digital days; a lot of it was rather diary-like.  Lately I'd taken to posting important things in a topic (similarly titled) in a forum that I help to moderate.  I'm hoping this will give me the convenience, inspiration and motivation to write some more.

I love to write.  Actually, I love to type.  I'm not sure what I will say, but I'll try to keep my thoughts inspiring and entertaining.  What will I write about?  I don't know that yet.  Memories, events, thoughts, whatever strikes my fancy.  A lot of it might not make much sense (like this particular one is gearing towards), but this is really for me.  If anyone else gets anything out of it, bonus!

So here I go...into the fray...

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