Saturday, March 5, 2011

"Mommy": it's not just a's an adventure!

I have to say that I LOVE being a mother.  Our two little girls mean the world to me.  Sometimes I look at them and marvel that God had allowed me to be a part of their lives.

I love just about every part of being a mother.  The one part I really feel that I could barely handle was potty training...and, thankfully, THAT part is LONG over.  I didn't mind late-night feedings (although I blame THAT for my addiction to "Degrassi"), diapers, "NO", and (sorry for the TMI) spit-up.  All those things are nothing in the light of a first smile, a tiny hand slipping into mine, little arms wrapped firmly around my neck in a nice, squeezy-hug, and - of course - "I love you, Mommy".

I am so blessed and fortunate.  We haven't had to deal with any major illnesses (and precious few minor ones).  Both girls have fantastic personalities, neither of them sullen or disobedient.  One is quieter and extremely studious - very cerebreal - and the other is sunny and funny and outgoing.  They balance each other out, and share their strengths with each other to even out the weaknesses.  I also love how, since they are so close in age (2 years, 4 months), they are such good friends with each other.

I'm still at the beginning of this journey.  The girls are 8 and 6 years old.  Such wonderful ages; still dependent upon me for so much, but finding their wings and able to do so much on their own.

Incidentally, there are two phrases that both warm my heart and, simultaneously, strike terror into it:

"I can do it myself!"


"I have an idea!"

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